Greetings and welcome to 2019! It is so good to be back with you for this third year of the #Author Toolbox Blog Hop.

Two years ago, I discovered podcasts and shared my list of shows that I was exploring. (You can read about that here.) Because I am frequently attacked by the twin goblins of limited time and limited phone storage space, I have recently been forced to cull my list even as I discover new shows to listen to. I imagine you are also beset by these twin goblins, so today I’m offering my top three (plus one) favorite podcasts (listed in no particular order) as a way to help you refine your listening options.

Writing Excuses – hosted by Brandon Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Taylor, and Daniel Wells

Although the show names only four hosts, there is a wide cast of well-published authors who make regular appearances on different episodes. Each episode of the thirteen seasons features three to four cast members who discuss various topics relating to craft and style for approximately fifteen minutes. There is also a book recommendation / promotion in the middle of each episode.

The fifteen-ish minute format and fast pace are perfect for highly detailed discussions that occur in short amounts of time while the wide assortment of cast members and guests provides a varied, diverse perspective on each topic. As an added bonus, a writing prompt is issued at the end of each episode.

The Novel Marketing Podcast – hosted by Thomas Umstattd Jr. and James L. Rubard.

I recently featured this podcast in a post of its own, but I would be remiss not to include it here. Specifically targeting the area of author marketing and how to do it in a way that’s not smarmy, each episode runs about twenty minutes long and is filled with practical strategies and tips listeners can implement immediately. Each of the 170 podcasts also supply excellent show notes and offers the opportunity to engage in an after-discussion related to each episode on the active Facebook page.

The Creative Penn Podcast – host Joanna Penn

In its 400+ episode as of the end of 2018, the Creative Penn Podcast is hosted by a New York Times and USA Today best-selling, independently published author. About an hour long, every episode provides information about writing, self-publishing, and book marketing through Joanna’s personal experiences and interviews with other author-preneurs and industry professionals.

Since traditionally-published authors benefit from joining their own marketing efforts with those of their publishers, this show is a valuable source of information for traditionally published authors, as well. One feature that’s especially helpful is the portion of the show where Joanna discusses news and trends in the publishing industry. Overall, the podcast is filled with inspiration and insight beneficial to all authors in every phase of their writing careers. Subscribers can also refer to excellently detailed show notes and a companion website.

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Marketing Podcast – hosted by Lindsay Buroker, Jeffrey Poole, and Joseph R. Lallo

Although this podcast is specifically targeted to a certain writing niche, the authors all have multiple self-published works, so they bring a lot of experience and insight to the audience no matter the listener’s publishing format. With over 190 episodes, the show is designed to help authors establish their brands and increase the size of their audiences. These podcasts are about an hour long and include a segment discussing publishing trends and developments. Other bonuses include outstanding show notes, a YouTube channel, and a Facebook page.

I hope this lists gives you a good place to start your podcast imbibing of the new year. I’d love to hear about your top three podcasts in the comments below!

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