I love reading, wonder, and all things fantasy. I especially love reading fantasy that sparks my sense that there is something more to life than the ordinary. If that sounds like you and that’s why you’re here, then we should be friends!

By day I am a mild-mannered teacher of high school literature and creative writing. By night I am a clandestine writer, fighting battles against time and responsibility to steal precious moments in which to compose the next few lines of my novel-in-progress.

I grew up in Roswell, New Mexico but graduated high school and moved to college one year before the city’s alien visitations became nationally renown. Currently, I live in Texas with my husband, sons, and entirely too many pets.

An avid reader of fantasy literature since the age of ten, I am especially inspired by the novels of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Madeline L’Engle, Tad Williams, and Neil Gaiman. My desire to write manifested in middle school, but was buried under the well-meant warnings of concerned adults, so I decided to study physics, instead. My freshman year in college began with courses in honors English and remedial college algebra. That semester of immense success in my literature classes and abysmal failure in remedial math convinced me that I was not designed to be an astronomer, so I changed my major and returned to my first love.

Now I write stories for people who love traditional fantasy as much as I do. My current series is an epic adventure about a normal Human girl caught up in a quest to prevent the dominating fey race from extinguishing Humanity along with every other race in the imaginary world of Ceryn Roh.


<– This is me after I lucked into a chance to go indoor skydiving. The certificate says I’m a natural. *heh…*

As with the skydiving adventure, I walked into teaching entirely by accident. A good friend of mine needed someone to teach creative writing to her group of home-schooled students, and she asked me. I was neither lovely nor popular in high school, and the school bullies made sure I knew it, so I wasn’t particularly fond of teens at the time. However, I was a stay-home mom and the budget was tight, so when my friend said I could teach whatever I wanted however I wanted, I decided I could endure anything for one semester, and besides, my husband and I would welcome a little extra income. One class soon became a full-fledged part-time job, with me teaching five literature and compositions classes per semester, and that’s how I got my start. Now I teach at a local private school and I LOVE teens! Except for the days when I’m too exhausted to move, there’s no job I’d rather have.

I don’t have a lot of time to read non-academically during the school year because I try to balance my classroom responsibilities with getting in as much writing as I can each day. During school holidays, though, I’m a reading fiend! I also like to go on adventures (especially fantasy-themed ones), to hang out at the coffee shop with my peeps, explore local book stores, and to experience the beauty and wonder of life.

I’m glad you’re here, and I hope we can connect. Please check out the first three chapters of my currently published works under the “My Novels” tab and join my emailing list to gain access to the “Exclusive Content” portion of my website. You can follow me on Facebook and Instagram, or you can send an email to the address listed below. I look forward to meeting you!